Shigellosis usually does not originate from a water source, but when you are Alamosa, Colorado, you might just want to check to be sure. That’s because last year, the water in the San Luis Valley town gave Salmonella poisoning to 400 people. Our last update on that can be found here.
Now, however, it’s several culture confirmed cases of shigellosis among children in Alamosa County that has local Nursing Service Director Julie Geiser worried. According to the Valley Courier:
Geiser said that Alamosa County Public Health has been working closely with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to address this outbreak. Outbreak control has focused on child care centers and preschools. “All childcare and preschool staff have been very cooperative in the attempt to control the spread of this bacteria,” she said.
While it is an inconvenience for working parents, sometimes it is necessary to keep children at home until a negative culture has been obtained, or the child has been treated, Geiser advised. Public Health is giving each affected center direction for handling the situation.
For more, go here.