Mar 10, 2005, 8:03 AM
WKYT 27 News
Schools and daycares in Woodford County are dealing with a serious illness. It’s called Shigellosis.
Health officials have confirmed nine cases so far. It’s a highly contagious bacterial infection that attacks the gastro-intestinal system.
Shigellosis is marked by intense and prolonged diarrhea, often bloody. That is sometimes accompanied by a fever.
Most of the cases center around a daycare. There is one confirmed case at Simmons Elementary.

School officials are cleaning every school twice a day, but health officials claim the key is good personal hygiene.
Health officials warn parents to watch your children. If they have any of the symptoms, take them to the doctor and keep them out of school.
Health department officials expect it to take two to three weeks before the infection is out of the county.