Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The Texas Department of State Health Services is urging residents of the Texas Panhandle and South Plains to take precautions to control the spread of shigellosis, an infectious bacterial disease cousing diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps. A total of 33 cases of shigellosis have been reported since mid January.
” Most shigella infections are the result of the bacterium passing from stolls or soiled fingers from one person to the mouth of another person,” said Connie Lindley, regional epidemoliogist in Canyon. To help prevent to spread of shigellosis:
Wash hands carefully and frequently with soap
Dispose of soiled diapers properly
Disinfect diaper changing areas after using them
Keep children with diarrhea out of child-care settings
Supervise hand washing of small children after they use the toliet
Do not prepare food for others if you have a diarrheal illness
Avoid drinking pool water.