The Multnomah County Health Department ordered the immediate closure of the Small Pharaoh #1 food cart in downtown Portland (SW 5th and Stark) late Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020 after linking the business to an outbreak of shigellosis. This is the first food cart closure in Multnomah County in many years due to health concerns. Food carts are inspected, regulated and scored the same as brick and mortar restaurants.

Shigellosis is caused by a type of bacteria known as shigella that can cause severe gastrointestinal illness in people, including diarrhea, fever and cramps. It can also lead to more severe illnesses such as sepsis and kidney injury. Local data indicate that one out of three diagnosed infections typically require hospitalization.

Shigella is spread through food, through water, or person to person by swallowing fecal matter. Most people recover without treatment, and  this particular strain is highly resistant to the most common antibiotics used to treat shigellosis.

Health officials took the unusual step of ordering the closure of the food cart at 5th and SW Stark after several individuals from different households were confirmed to have shigellosis after eating food from the facility. Four cases have been confirmed with three additional presumptive cases with symptoms who have not been tested. Shigella is a very contagious bacteria and can spread after swallowing a very small amount of the bacteria.

Anyone with symptoms of shigellosis who ate at the downtown location of Small Pharaoh between July 27 and August 11 should contact their care provider or seek medical care as needed.

In general, anyone ill with diarrhea should stay home from work, especially if they prepare food or work in child care or a long-term care facility. Shigella can spread easily among people who live together. To prevent spread in a household: wash hands well before eating and after using the bathroom, and avoid sex until the diarrhea is completely gone.

Health care providers who believe someone is ill enough to need antibiotics should consult with an infectious disease specialist and Multnomah County Health Department about the details of drug resistance.

For consultation or to report possible illness associated with this outbreak, call 503-988-3406.

Shigella is a reportable illness, and 47 cases have been reported to the Health Department in 2020. Historically, the majority of shigella infections in the Portland area are acquired during international travel or through intimate contact among men who have sex with men. Since 2015, Multnomah County has identified cases among persons experiencing homelessness that were caused by shigella strains that had been previously circulating in the area among housed individuals. In other parts of the United States, shigella frequently causes outbreaks in childcare and long-term care facilities

The Texas Department of State Health Services is reminding people to take precautions following 27 cases of shigellosis in Fort Stockton and Pecos County. Shigellosis is a diarrheal illness caused by bacteria that can spread through the stool of sick people or animals or by consuming contaminated food or water.

In addition to diarrhea, shigellosis can cause fever, nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps. Anyone with some of those symptoms should contact their health care provider and be tested for shigellosis by stool sample. People who are sick should stay home from work or school until they are diarrhea and fever free for at least 24 hours.

The best way to avoid spreading the illness is to wash hands frequently, especially before preparing or serving food, before eating, after using the bathroom, after changing a diaper, and after cleaning areas where pets or livestock live. People should also refrigerate leftovers right away, avoid thawing foods on counters or in sinks, and avoid swallowing untreated water such as from ponds and lakes.

The initial patients involved in the outbreak first got sick in October, and three patients have required hospitalization. Public health is investigating the outbreak, and no single source has been identified at this time.

The City of Lubbock Health Department has reported an increase in cases of shigellosis, a diarrheal illness that can last from four to seven days.

Between September and October 21 cases were reported. That is a sharp increase from 2018, when only three cases of shigellosis were reported, according to the City of Lubbock.

The bacteria that causes the illness, called Shigella, is spread person-to-person through the unwashed hands of an infected person.

City officials recommend always washing hands before eating or handling food, after using the toilet, after infant diaper changes and frequently during the day.

Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal cramping, fever, nausea and vomiting. Once a person is exposed symptoms usually develop within one to three days.

People with diarrheal illnesses of any kind, which include shigellosis, should not attend work, school or daycare until they are free from symptoms for at least 24 hours.

A significant increase in acute frequent diarrhea is being reported in Amador County. Heathcare providers have reported Shigellosis in several individuals. Amador County Environmental Health and Public Health are completing an investigation and have enforced food safety practices at a lone establishment associated with reports of this illness.

Shigellosis is a disease caused by a group of bacteria called Shigella. Most who are infected with Shigella develop diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps starting a day or two after they are exposed to the bacteria. Shigellosis usually resolves in 5 to 7 days. Some people who are infected may have no symptoms at all, but may still pass the Shigella bacteria to others.

The spread of Shigella can be stopped by frequent and careful handwashing with soap and water. Shigella germs are easily spread. The most common way people become ill is by eating food prepared by someone who is infected with Shigella. This illness can also be spread by touching contaminated surfaces.

Though most individuals do not require medical attention and begin recovery within a few days, Shigella illness can be serious in young children, the elderly, and people with other health conditions. Dehydration is a key concern. Symptoms of dehydration include a decrease in urination, a dry mouth and throat, and feeling dizzy when standing up. If you think you or someone you are caring for is severely dehydrated, contact your healthcare provider.

Food service workers who are experiencing these symptoms, as with any illness, should stay home, and should not engage in food preparation or food service while they are ill. They should be especially diligent about handwashing and use of gloves after they return to work. Healthcare and daycare workers who are ill should also not go to work.


  • Consumers who recently experienced symptoms of foodborne illness after eating raw oysters
  • Restaurants that sell raw oysters in California, Nevada, New York, and Arizona


  • Oysters harvested from Estero El Cardon, Baja California Sur, Mexico
  • Oysters were distributed primarily to California, Nevada, New York, and Arizona
  • Oysters were sold to wholesale distributors with direct sales to restaurants and not to grocery retail outlets.


Consumers should not purchase oysters marketed as being harvested from Estero El Cardon, in Baja California Sur, Mexico from restaurants. Consumers who have recently experienced symptoms of foodborne illness should contact their healthcare provider and report their symptoms and receive care.

Restaurants and retailers should not serve oysters from the Estero El Cardon harvest area in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Restaurants and retailers should dispose of any products with harvest tags that indicate a growing area of Estero El Cardon by throwing them away.

Symptoms of Shigella Illness (Shigellosis)

Shigella is a bacterium that spreads from contaminated feces. It often spreads through unclean water that an infected person has been in. Food can become contaminated when handled by an infected person who did not use proper hand hygiene after going to the bathroom, or if contaminated water is used in the process of growing or preparing the food.

Symptoms of shigellosis generally develop within 8 hours or up to about 2 days. Although shigellosis is often mild and goes away by itself in a week or less, it can become very serious in some cases. Severe cases can be treated with certain antibiotics. Symptoms of shigellosis may include watery stool that may have blood, pus, or mucus in it, vomiting, cramping, and fever. Young children, the elderly, and people with a weak immune system are more likely than others to develop severe illness.

If you suspect you have symptoms of shigellosis, contact a health professional.

Summary of Problem and Scope

The FDA is investigating a subset of a larger outbreak investigation being conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Between the harvesting dates of February 12, 2019 and April 9, 2019, five ill patients reported eating raw oysters shortly before becoming ill with Shigella flexneri. One of the five patients was hospitalized; there have been no deaths. The last illness onset was April 17, 2019. Laboratory analyses were used to confirm the reported clinical illnesses and traceback information indicated the implicated shellfish were harvested from Estero El Cardon, in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

The FDA confirmed that oysters harvested in Estero El Cardon, Baja California Sur, Mexico, were distributed to California, Nevada, New York, and Arizona with illnesses reported in California, Nevada and New Hampshire. The New Hampshire case reported eating at a restaurant in California shortly before becoming ill. It is possible that additional states received these potentially contaminated oysters either directly from Mexico or through further distribution within the U.S.

On May 7, 2019, the Mexican Shellfish Sanitation Program authorities voluntarily closed the growing area of Estero El Cardon and halted oyster harvesting in response to the reported illnesses. The shelf-life of fresh, raw oysters is limited. All raw oysters from this growing area are no longer expected to be available to consumers. For more information please see

Recommendations for Consumers

Consumers who have symptoms should contact their health care provider to report their symptoms and receive care.

To report a complaint or adverse event (illness or serious allergic reaction), you can

Visit for additional consumer and industry assistance.

Recommendations for Retailers

In the event that retailers and/or other food service operators are found to have handled recalled or other potentially contaminated food in their facilities, they should:

  • Contact their local health department and communicate to their customers regarding possible exposure to Shigella.
  • Wash the inside walls and shelves of the refrigerator, cutting boards and countertops, and utensils that may have contacted contaminated foods; then sanitize them with a solution of one tablespoon of chlorine bleach to one gallon of hot water; then dry with a clean cloth or paper towel that has not been previously used.
  • Wash and sanitize display cases and surfaces used to potentially store, serve, or prepare potentially contaminated foods.
  • Retailers that have sold bulk product should clean and sanitize the containers used to hold the product.
  • Wash hands with warm water and soap following the cleaning and sanitation process.
  • Conduct regular frequent cleaning and sanitizing of cutting boards and utensils used in processing to help minimize the likelihood of cross-contamination.

FDA Actions

Mexican health officials closed the Estero El Cardon growing area on May 7, 2019. The FDA continues to work with Mexico’s health authorities, and state and local partners continue to verify that this product has been successfully removed from commerce and to ensure that the raw oysters were not further distributed.

“Shigella at a Wedding” – Instead of “I do,” should be “Hell No.”


On August 14, 2018, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Yamhill County Health and Human Services (YCHHS) independently received reports of persons with gastrointestinal illness days after attending a wedding and reception in Yamhill County on August 11. Over the next two days, additional wedding attendees reported gastrointestinal illness. OHA notified the Multnomah County Health Department (MCHD), and the agencies initiated an investigation to determine the cause of the outbreak and to prevent additional cases. YCHHS contacted the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA), which regulates some food-service establishments in Oregon.

By August 15, 10 cases had been reported to OHA. A Health Alert Network notice was sent to the ORCD1 group,1 advising them to ask patients with gastrointestinal illness whether they had attended a wedding in Yamhill County and, if they were willing, to submit a stool sample. Fecal samples from patients were cultured and isolates serotyped at the Oregon State Public Health Laboratory. On August 20, Shigella flexneri type 3a was first identified from a patient specimen. OHA consulted with subject matter experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for information on this Shigella serotype.


Methods YCHHS public health investigators obtained contact information for attendees and the caterer. The caterer is based in Multnomah County. MCHD officials contacted the caterer to obtain a menu of foods served at the wedding. Using this information, on August 16 OHA epidemiologists emailed to wedding attendees a link to an online survey asking them to identify foods they had eaten and to determine whether they had illnesses meeting the case definition.

Information from the first survey indicated that there was a cocktail hour between the wedding ceremony and the reception. Because S. flexneri infections have been associated with international travel,2 and there were additional food exposures, OHA invited wedding attendees to complete a second online survey on August 20. OHA asked respondents about their illness on this survey, too.

A confirmed case had S. flexneri cultured from a clinical specimen. A presumptive case was defined as self-reported diarrhea or vomiting in a person who attended the wedding reception.

An ODA environmental health specialist inspected the venue, collected water samples and leftover strawberries and cucumbers, and examined general biosecurity. Yamhill County environmental health specialists collected leftover potatoes. Well-water samples were tested using the Colilert test for total coliforms. Food samples were tested for Shigella species using polymerase chain reaction testing. Multnomah County environmental health specialists inspected the caterer. They observed hygiene practices and asked that people who prepared food for the reception submit stool samples for testing.


Among 263 wedding attendees and reception venue staff, 192 were represented on the first survey and 128 on the second survey; some people completed the survey for their children, spouses, or other relatives. In total, 200 people were represented by the two surveys combined.

One hundred seven cases were identified, of which 23 (21%) were confirmed. Eighty-two (77%) of the cases were Oregon residents; the remainder were residents of 11 other states. Oregon cases resided in 11 different counties.

Cases by time of illness onset are shown in Figure 1. Of the 93 cases with onset information, 89 (96%) were reported to have started on the two days between midnight on August 12th and midnight August 14th.

The median age of ill people was 30 years. Of 111 female attendees, 60 (54%) became ill. Of 88 male attendees, 47 (53%) became ill. Of 18 persons <18 years of age, 5 (28%) were ill.  Of 181 person >18 years of age, 102 (56%) were ill (Table 1). Persons < 18 years of age were significantly less likely to become ill (p = 0.03).

Of ill people, 74/105 (70%) missed school or work, 57/106 (54%) saw a clinician, 38/105 (36%) visited the emergency room, and 10/106 (9%) were hospitalized overnight.

Among the 48 cases whose illness had resolved when they completed the survey, illness duration ranged from 3 to 15 (median, 11) days. Forty-two cases were still ill when they completed their survey. No deaths were reported.

Persons (n = 55) who attended the rehearsal dinner were no more likely to become ill than those who did not attend it (RR 1.1, p= 0.54); therefore, the epidemiologic investigation focused on food exposures at the wedding reception. Food was served buffet-style. Five food items were each associated with a significantly increased risk of illness: asparagus, butter, bread, au gratin potatoes, and the aioli that was served with the asparagus. Asparagus was most strongly associated with illness: of those who ate asparagus, 64% became ill, compared to 12.5% of those who denied eating asparagus (RR 5.1, 95% CI 2.0–12.9). Asparagus consumption also accounted for a higher percentage of cases (96%) than any other exposure (Table 3). In a reanalysis of the other implicated foods, stratifying by asparagus consumption, only bread remained significantly associated with illness (RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.1–2.6).

There was a children’s buffet. Some persons under 10 ate food from the rest of the buffet, and some adults ate food from the children’s buffet. Persons under 10 were significantly more likely to have eaten from the kid’s buffet (p < 0.01) and significantly less likely to have eaten any adult food (p < 0.01).

Asparagus consumption differed by age: it was consumed by 150/172 (87%) of persons >10 but by none of 10 children <10 years old (p < 0.001) Bread consumption did not differ significantly by age.

When visiting the caterer, Multnomah County inspectors did not observe any food-handling violations. Stool samples were submitted by some of the food-handling staff; none were positive for Shigella. Food preparers were primarily responsible for specific dishes. When analyzing attendees’ exposures by who was responsible for the foods they consumed, illness rates did not differ significantly by food preparer. Catering records revealed that the caterer served some of the same foods, including the grilled asparagus dish, at multiple events that same weekend. The asparagus was sourced domestically. No illnesses related to those other events were reported to OHA.

The ODA inspector concluded that biosecurity on the venue’s water supply was sufficient to protect against intentional contamination. The water tested negative for bacterial contamination. The leftover strawberries, cucumbers and potatoes tested negative on bacterial culture; no asparagus had been left over for testing.


An outbreak of Shigella flexneri type 3a infections was most likely caused by contaminated asparagus consumed by people who attended a wedding reception in Yamhill County on August 11, 2018. Bread was also associated with illness, but it is less likely to be the cause of the outbreak. Asparagus accounts for a higher proportion of cases, and the age breakdown of illness is better explained by asparagus consumption patterns.

This is the second-largest foodborne outbreak of S. flexneri infections reported in the U.S. since 1988. The source of the contamination was not definitively identified. Because humans are the natural reservoir for Shigella species, and there were no concurrent outbreaks to suggest upstream contamination, poor food-handler hygiene is the most likely cause.

Outbreak 2018-4979 Shigellosis at a Wedding

See also,

The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) is monitoring an outbreak of Shigellosis on Guam.  In 2018, a total of 29 cases of Shigellosis were reported (with 23 cases or 79% confirmed) and so far in 2019, a total of 10 cases have been reported (with 90 percent confirmed).

Shigellosis is an infectious disease caused by a group of bacteria called Shigella (shih-GEHL-uh). Most who are infected with Shigella develop diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps starting a day or two after they are exposed to the bacteria. Shigellosis usually resolves in 5 to 7 days. Some people who are infected may have no symptoms at all, but may still pass the Shigella bacteria to others. The spread of Shigella can be stopped by frequent and careful handwashing with soap and taking other hygiene measures.

People usually get sick from Shigella bacteria after putting something in their mouth or swallowing something that has come into contact with the stool (poop) of someone else who is sick from Shigella bacteria.

The Vermont Department of Health is investigating an outbreak of an antibiotic-resistant bug that sickened 70 people at a retirement community.

Investigators have confirmed 22 cases of Shigellosis and 48 others have shown symptoms consistent with the bacteria at the Wake Robin retirement community in Shelburne.

The Shigella bacteria can cause diarrhea and fever.

The investigation into the outbreak began a month ago, and units were quarantined for a time. Officials say there have been no new cases in several weeks

Health Commissioner Mark Levine said the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are assisting because the bacterial strain is resistant to antibiotics. He said most affected people needed five to seven days to recover.

The Vermont Health Department is investigating an outbreak of gastrointestinal illness at Wake Robin, a retirement community in Shelburne. Specimens from seven individuals have tested positive forShigella sonnei. More than 50 individuals associated with the facility, or with someone who lives or works at the facility, have reported symptoms consistent with shigellosis.

Consider Shigellosis When Evaluating Clinically Compatible Illnesses

Clinical manifestations of shigellosis range from watery or loose stools with minimal symptoms to more severe illness including high fever, abdominal cramps or tenderness, tenesmus, and mucoid stools with or without blood. Symptoms usually resolve in five to seven days but sometimes last for four or more weeks. Asymptomatic infection is possible.

Shigella bacteria are present in the stools of infected people while they have diarrhea, and for up to four weeks after symptoms resolve. The primary mode of transmission is fecal-oral, although transmission can also occur via contact with a contaminated fomite, ingesting contaminated food or water, or sexual contact. The incubation period is one to seven days, but is usually less than four days.

Report all suspected and confirmed cases to the Health Department’s Infectious Disease – Epidemiology program at 802-863-7240.

Test for Shigella

Clinicians who see patients with symptoms of shigellosis are encouraged to collect a stool specimen and have it tested for Shigella. Antibiotic resistance is relatively common, so susceptibility testing of clinical isolates is indicated to guide appropriate therapy. To date, testing of isolates associated with this outbreak has indicated susceptibility to Ciprofloxacin and resistance to Ampicillin and Trimethoprim-Sulfa. Hospital or reference laboratories in Vermont should forward Shigella isolates or original specimens to the Health Department Laboratory for further testing such as molecular subtyping (performed at no charge).

Submit specimens through the existing hospital courier service for receipt at Health Department Laboratory within 48 hours. Stool specimens should be collected and preserved in Cary-Blair medium. VDHL Kit #1 (which may be obtained at no charge by contacting theLaboratory’s Customer Service at 802-338-4724), or an appropriate culture specimen container (available from hospital laboratories) should be used for the collection and transport.


Shigellosis is usually self-limited and treatment with antibiotics is not generally recommended in otherwise healthy adults with mild illness. However, antibiotics may be prescribed when warranted by the severity of the illness, underlying health conditions, or patient’s occupation. Anti-diarrheal medication that inhibits peristalsis, such as loperamide (e.g. Imodium) or diphenoxylate with atropine (e.g. Lomotil) are contraindicated and may prolong illness and increase the rate of complications.

Prevent New Cases

Strict attention to hand hygiene is essential to limit spread. Symptomatic children who attendday care should stay home until the Health Department says it’s safe to return. People with confirmed shigellosis who work as health care providers, child care workers or food handlers should be excluded from work until two consecutive negative stool cultures (collected 24 hours apart and at least 48 hours after discontinuation of antibiotics) have been documented.

Symptomatic people should not prepare food or share food with others. They should not swim and should not have sex (vaginal, anal, and oral) for one week after diarrhea has resolved.

Shigellosis Information for Clinicians

Resources for clinicians are available on the Health Department’s website: diseases/shigellosis.

If you have questions, contact the Vermont Department of Health, Infectious Disease – Epidemiology program at 802-863-7240.

The San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency is advising gay and bisexual men, homeless individuals, and people with compromised immune systems that they could be at an increased risk for the intestinal disease shigellosis.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, young children and travelers to developing countries are also at risk for shigellosis.

Last year, the County saw the highest number of cases in 20 years, including a disproportional increase in the gay and bisexual community and among the homeless population.

The number of cases typically increases in the late summer and fall and there have already been 98 cases of shigellosis reported in the county so far in 2018. In 2017, a total of 334 cases were reported, representing a 37 percent increase compared to 2016 when there were 232 cases.

A larger proportion of 2017 cases (63 percent) were among men, many of whom self-identified as gay or bisexual, compared to previous years. Additionally, the percentage of homelessness cases also experienced an increase from 7 percent of total cases to 12 percent from 2016 to 2017.

So far in 2018, 25 percent of the reported cases involve gay or bisexual men and 7 percent involve homeless people.

The Shigella infection or Shigellosis causes a diarrheal illness lasting for 5 to 7 days. Shigella is very contagious. Infection can occur through person-to-person contact, eating food contaminated by someone who has shigellosis, or swallowing water from pools and ponds or drinking water that was contaminated with the bacteria.

“Shigellosis is a very contagious disease, but there are many steps people can take to reduce their chances of getting it,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer. “The infection can be prevented by conducting frequent and thorough hand washing; disinfecting any areas that may be contaminated, such as restrooms or diaper changing areas; avoiding swallowing water from untreated pools and ponds, and not preparing or serving food to others when having diarrhea.”

HHSA is recommending that those at risk, including gay and bisexual men and homeless people:

  • Practice good hand hygiene at all times washing your hands with soap and water, especially before eating or preparing food for others or changing diapers
  • Avoid swallowing water from ponds, lakes or untreated swimming pools
  • Be aware of your HIV status
  • Be aware of the local increase in shigellosis, which can be a severe illness, particularly in those with reduced immunity.
  • Seek care for diarrheal illness, especially with fever or bloody diarrhea, and be sure that their healthcare provider tests to see if symptoms are caused by Shigella.
  • Discuss antibiotic treatment for shigellosis with their doctors to shorten the duration of illness and reduce the risk of infecting others.
  • Abstain from sex, for several days after you stop having diarrhea, to prevent spreading the illness to others.